Introduction of our kennel belonging to the Families Faenger and Jörder


First thing I want to do is to apologize my rusty school english.

We, Joachim Faenger and May-Britt Jörder, are two families with six deerhounds. Both we live in little villages in the countryside of south Bavaria, Germany.

We, Family Faenger, lives in the little village Schwabmühlhausen, 40km south of Augsburg and 70km in the west of Munich.

Our house is surrounded by a huge fenced fruit orchard, in which the hounds can run free.

Every morning I make a large morning walk, where the hounds can run off the leash the most time. The hounds live with us in the house. So we have decided that four hounds are our personal limit.

We, Family Jörder and our hounds live on a former farmhouse also with a huge fenced property, in the middle between Ulm and Augsburg. But the hounds are not the largest animals on the farm. These are our two horses, an Appaloosa and a Freiberger mare.

We also have five cats, which live the most time peacefully together with the deerhounds.

Our deerhounds share our family life, are occupying our sofas, arranging the gardens and our weekends...

Both families love to travel  with our hounds, and meet other folk with hounds. So we spend a lot of weekends everywhere in Europe.

A short introduction of our pedigrees:

Since 24.10.2007 we both are the Deerhound Kennel of Redbrook

Since  23.05.1996 the Kennel  of Redbrook exists, named after the „Röthenbach“, a little creek, which flows nearby.

Joachim started breeding with  Kilbourne Madame Hera. (Her pedigree can be found on the Kilbourne website.)

Meanwhile we had three litters. We kept two bitches of every litter.

The first litter was Kilbourne Madame Hera x Lehigh Yanker the Deerhunter.

The second litter (Ch.Athene of Redbrook x Ch.Fingal of Highlanders Yard) was born three years later, at 2008. Brangaene and Beria/Bridget remained with Faengers and Birog came to family Joerder.

The third litter (Ch. Beria of Rebrook x Ch. Beardswood Marmion) was born April 2011. Ceithir and Calamity stays with us.

Most of the B and C Litter have the coursing and track licence.

They all succeed in the showring, in lure coursing and track racing.

Our fourth litter (Ch. Beria of Redbrook x Ch. Greyfriars Gillie) is a one puppy litter Dywhen, avialable as stud dog

The following litter is our E-Litter (Ch. Ceithir of Redbrook x Cusidh Homecoming) born January 2014.

Redbrook expecting the next litter September 2015